Good reads: 5 books/reports/articles to read on aviation sustainability this month

At Branchspace, we're passionate about sustainability in aviation and always eager to share valuable insights. This month, we've curated a selection of five essential reads that explore the path to a greener aviation industry. From visionary roadmaps like the ICCT's "Vision 2050: Aligning Aviation with the Paris Agreement" to practical assessments in SimpliFlying's "Sustainable Aviation Outlook Report 2024," these resources provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities ahead. Dive into electric mobility with Green Mobility Magazine, explore regenerative tourism through EarthCheck's discussion paper, and understand future constraints with The Shift Project's "Flying in 2050."

Let's embark on this journey towards a sustainable aviation future together.

1. "Vision 2050. Aligning Aviation with the Paris Agreement". In this 2022 report the ICCT presents its roadmap to evaluate the emission impacts of 3 scenarios for aviation technology and operation to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. A good reminder of the challenges that lay ahead and how the industry needs to start investing now to achieve its net-zero goals:

2. SimpliFlying's "Sustainable Aviation Outlook Report 2024". This innovative report provides a comprehensive analysis of the airline industry's progress, challenges, and opportunities towards achieving net-zero goals through the assessment of 20 leading carriers from around the world. Topics covered in the report include sustainability strategy, key initiatives, budget, communication etc.

3. Green Mobility Magazine by Ibex Publishing - issue III 'What Electric Future' inlcude a collection of insightful articles exploring the ins and outs of electric mobility. Available here:

4. EarthCheck Research Institute’s Regenerative Travel Discussion Paper exploring the concept of ‘regenerative tourism’, what it means, how it aligns with sustainable tourism and how it can be implemented:

5. "Flying in 2050: Future of aviation under climate and energy constraints" (2021) by The Shift Project and the Aéro Décarbo collective. An insightful report on decarbonization of the aviation sector exploring the concept of 'carbon budgets' for the aviation industry and various way to reduce emissions to respect these budgets - original version in French but Summary available in English here: /