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Good reads: 5 books/reports/articles to read on aviation sustainability this month

Branchspace is deeply committed to sustainability in aviation and is always enthusiastic about sharing valuable insights. Ahead of the UK’S official #NetZeroWeek we wanted to share some great reads to learn more about the aviation's industry efforts to achieve its NetZero goal. Here are our top five picks:

1. Airlines and Startups to Decarbonize Aviation

This article zooms in on airlines taking radical approaches to their sustainability plans, betting on new technologies and hardware solutions. It explores how various startups and established airlines are pioneering efforts to reduce carbon emissions through innovative methods. This is a must-read for those interested in cutting-edge advancements and the ambitious steps being taken to decarbonize aviation.

2. IATA's 2024 Comparative Review of Leading Net-Zero Transition Roadmaps

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) presents a comprehensive review of fourteen leading net-zero transition roadmaps for the aviation sector. This report provides a detailed comparison of different strategies and their effectiveness in driving the industry towards net-zero emissions. It is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the diverse approaches and benchmarks in aviation sustainability.

3. Sustainability in the Air's New Report: Beyond Greenwashing

"Sustainability in the Air" delves into the concept of "greenwashing" and how to move beyond it. This report offers critical insights into genuine sustainable practices versus superficial claims. It is an invaluable resource for understanding how to implement authentic and impactful sustainability initiatives in the aviation sector.

4. Mabrian's White Paper on Sustainable Travel and Overtourism

Travel data firm Mabrian presents a white paper outlining seven steps for creating a roadmap to move destinations away from overtourism. This document addresses the delicate balance between promoting tourism and preserving the environment. It offers practical guidelines for developing sustainable travel practices that benefit both destinations and travelers.

5. Sustainable Aviation Futures' SAFMENA Industry Report

Earlier this year, Sustainable Aviation Futures engaged with over 50 aviation and energy industry professionals across the MENA region. This report summarizes their insights into five key opportunities for achieving aviation decarbonization. It provides a regional perspective on sustainability challenges and potential solutions, making it a vital read for stakeholders in the MENA aviation industry.


At Branchspace, we believe that staying informed about the latest developments in aviation sustainability is crucial for driving meaningful change. These selected readings offer a wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas that can inspire and guide efforts towards a greener future in aviation. Whether you are an industry professional, a sustainability advocate, or simply interested in the future of aviation, these resources are sure to provide valuable insights and foster a deeper understanding of the path to sustainable aviation.